Minutes of SC LiteBIRD-Europe Phase-A team – 24-01-2018 meeting

Revision for “Minutes of SC LiteBIRD-Europe Phase-A team – 24-01-2018 meeting” created on January 24, 2018 @ 12:57:49

Minutes of SC LiteBIRD-Europe Phase-A team - 24-01-2018 meeting
<h1>Minutes of the SC meeting of the LiteBIRD-Europe Phase-A team</h1> The SC second meeting has been held today, the 24<sup>th</sup> of January 2018, with the following agenda: <ol> <li>Consortium Governance Plan</li> <li>Program and goals of the Turin meeting</li> <li>Next telecons</li> <li>AOB</li> </ol> To the meeting participated: <ol> <li>Erminia Calabrese</li> <li>Paolo de Bernardis</li> <li>Eiichiro Komatsu</li> <li>Ludovic Montier</li> <li>Giampaolo Pisano</li> <li>Radek Stompor</li> <li>Nicola Vittorio</li> <li>Ingunn Kathrine Wehus</li> </ol> while: <ul> <li>Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez</li> <li>Jian-Rong Gao</li> </ul> were absent. <em><u> 1. Consortium governance plan</u></em> We discussed and revised the latest version of the Governance Structure Plan. We agreed to: <ul> <li>circulate it via email to the SC members, asking each of them for a formal approval of the document;</li> <li>after approval, to post the document in the Wiki area of LiteBIRD-Europe.eu with a restricted access to the registered people.</li> </ul> <em><u>2. Program and goals of the Turin meeting </u></em> We review the latest version of the Preliminary Program. We agree to: <ul> <li>consider definitive the proposed structure of the meeting;</li> <li>contact all the speakers to be sure that they will be available for their contributions, either in presence or in remote;</li> <li>finalize the discussion time to better define contents and policies of the collaboration.</li> </ul> <em><u>3. Next telecons </u></em> We agreed to have next telecon the week after the Turin meeting and to fix the date with a specific Doodle.

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January 24, 2018 @ 12:57:49 wp_2381204
January 24, 2018 @ 12:54:09 wp_2381204
January 24, 2018 @ 12:49:47 wp_2381204
January 24, 2018 @ 12:47:12 wp_2381204
January 24, 2018 @ 12:40:06 wp_2381204
January 24, 2018 @ 12:28:56 wp_2381204