Revision for “Minutes of the SC telecon – 3rd of July 2018” created on July 3, 2018 @ 14:05:10
Title | Minutes of the SC telecon – 3rd of July 2018 |
Content | The SC telecon has been held today, the 3<sup>rd</sup> of July 2018.
To the telecon participated:
<li>Erminia Calabrese</li>
<li>Paolo de Bernardis</li>
<li>Eiichiro Komatsu</li>
<li>Ludovic Montier</li>
<li>Radek Stompor</li>
<li>Nicola Vittorio</li>
<li>Ingunn Kathrine Wehus</li>
<li>Jian-Rong Gao</li>
<li>Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez</li>
<li>Giampalo Pisano</li>
were absent.
<li><strong>ESA-National Space Agencies telecon</strong>
<li>Last Friday, June the 29th, there has been a telecon between ESA and other National Space Agencies. What follows is my (NV) personal understanding of what happened. Italy and France showed a strong interest in participating to LiteBIRD. UK anticipated that there will not be specific funds if ESA will not step in with a MoO. Germany showed a strong scientific interest in the mission, and declared its support to a Data Center. It seems that ESA will present to JAXA (at the next Friday meeting in Japan) the difficulty of designing and implementing the entire HFT in Europe.</li>
<li>Actions: check with the national representatives their feeling about the outcome of the telecon and the availability of ESA to step in with 50M€ MoO, rather than 25M€ as it seems it was shown at the last SPC meeting.</li>
<li>Next Thursday and Friday (5-6 July) ISRO will review the proposal for CMB/Bharat. Last week it was circulated an email among the old CORE community, asking for availability to contribute to this mission in terms of hardware. The Italian community answered confirming its deep involvement in LiteBIRD, while waiting for a formal JAXA decision on the mission.</li>
<li><strong>Interim period, collaboration and governance board
<li>During the Boulder F2F meeting, it was presented by Nobu Katayama a structure document "Toward LiteBIRD project and collaborations". It has been today agreed that a common position of the SC would be extremely valuable. NV will contact Ludovic Montier, Radek Stompor, Matthieu Tristram and Paolo Natoli asking them to start working on a draft document to submit in a couple of weeks to the SC.</li>
<li><strong>Post-CDF Study activities
<li>Ludovic Montier informed the SC about a meeting in Cardiff next week (10-11 July) to continue the effort on the optimization of the optical and mechanical design of the HFT, and to discuss how to organize the work in the near future. Remote connections will be available and, although it is clearly a hands-on meeting, the SC is invited to join.</li>
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Excerpt |