SC telecon 19-10-2021

Present: Paolo, Erminia, Eiichiro, Peter, Francesco, Enrique, Hans Kristian, Matt, Gao

Apologies: Ludo, Thierry


– Choose a notetaker for the day
– Approval of minutes of last telecon

– IT/UK teams detector meeting on Oct 22

– New members

– Procedure to update the LiteBIRD acknowledgements

– European meeting 



– Choose a notetaker for the day: Paolo

– Approval of minutes of last telecon: minutes from 05/10 approved. Minutes from 12/10 will be proposed for approva next time.

– IT/UK teams detector meeting on Oct 22: scope to decide how to share work between UK and IT teams. SC invited. Debriefing of S2S discussion on detector development in Europe, final slide by Masashi was shown. ESA role not defined in Masashi’s slides: ESA was not listed as an actor in future interactions (at mission level).  Shall we contact Favata as SC? The motivation is NOT to present Fabio with a fully fledged plan at mission level but to have with him an intermediate stage discussion when the first bit of the studies has been completed. ESA should be part of these future plans. No urgency nor desire to meet with Fabio *immediately* was set forth by anyone.We should in any case wait for the outcome of the interagency meeting on Nov. 9. Francesco: A/I to check with Martin Linder when he thinks it would be ok to reach out to ESA management as SC. Orientation of the SC is to have an intermediate checkpoint with ESA management at some point. Not clear when. To be rediscussed next week.

-New members: Carlos Hernández Monteagudo: green light from Hirokazu and Guillaume. Approved by SC. Julien Lesgourges approved on the spot. Paolo to send to MB.

– Procedure to update the LiteBIRD acknowledgements: SC is not aware of any such procedure. A/I to Paolo to check with Tony if IPB has one.

– European meeting: To be organized in Feb. Coupled with MHFT PO meeting. Where? Tenerife still an option. Will be rediscussed next time. Meeting in Cardiff by the end of October (when?). To decide about Cardiff funding status.

-AOB: none