SC telecon 16-02-2021



– Approval of minutes of previous calls and choice of notetaker for the day

Quick updates on:

– Status of PRODEX proposal

– Sending Plan B’ document to agencies 

– Decide EU representative in LB membership committee 

– Newly proposed LB members

– Gov Subcommittee

– Gruber conference


Approval of minutes of previous calls and choice of notetaker for the day

Notetaker: Francesco 

Approved minutes of feb 2

Quick updates on:

Status of PRODEX proposal


We had meetings

  • consortium 
  • spanish group

Some aspect not clear yet

PMU unit thermometry 

  • FP: readout included in the PMU electronics
  • no thermal control


  • Cold absorbers?
  • is there a thermal control?
  • is it included in the PMU electronics?

Action on FP: to confirm 


  • 1.8K 
  • Ludo: delivered by the US
  • readout electronics included in the prodex 
  • even for the lowest stages. 
  • the hw not included 


  • the prodex will define the thermometer’s technology and types. 
  • each subsystem will install its thermometer
  • defining the connectors. 
  • prodex provides the channels for readout
  • specification set in the prodex call



  • to be discussed with people in charge of FPU in particular
  • use the S2S to discuss 
  • propose wednesday at 20UTC?

Sending Plan B’ document to agencies 


  • Contacted Masashi and Dobbs
  • agreed
  • not written draft cover letter. 

We agreed that each representative circulate to its agency. 

We need different cover letters: CSA, ESA, JAXA (from ESC), 

Better if we send it to Jaxa, but we make sure this is fine with Masashi

Single cover letter with different heading 

Ludo will draft it today 


  • Adrian finalised the detectors specification document 
  • circulated to US partners for feedback
  • will be made available by Friday
  • to be circulated with PlanB’ 

Decide EU representative in LB membership committee 

We had 2 proposals

  • Ludo
  • Ermina


  • I had a chat with Erminia. 
  • Ludo decided not to candidate and to support Erminia
  • I was important to agree on the content of the task
  • technical aspect to be done that neither Masashi or Adrian will have the time to do
  • Erminia can take this in charge 
  • the French community supports Erminia candidature 


  • I am willing to help the collaboration with this task

No other candidates. 

No one contrary to the proposal 

We agree on proposing Erminia to the membership committee after 48 hrs grace period


  • the governance policy states that we decide with 2/3 majority
  • suitable if we have yes/no, this is fine
  • if we have to decide between 2 persons, this is not very suitable 
  • we should update policy to have a 50% majority after some rounds, or majority (if more than 2 options are present)


  • we should try to keep large consensus



  • we can propose 2/3 of voters attending (if they don’t express a vote)
  • Jaxa rule: if there is no consensus, the PI decides
  • 2 rounds should be enough 


  • we should consult the community, to have a broad agreement 


  • action to propose a modification to governance document 
  • agree among ourselves 
  • notify the EU consortium (Ludo)


  • validation or agreement from the community is important. We are changing the rules of our own board. 

Action on Paolo to draft a proposal

Newly proposed LB members

Several proposals are on the table

Belgium revised proposal:

  1. Christian Kintziger
  2. Marc Georges
  3. Benoit Marquet
  4. Jean-Yves Plesseria
  5. Karl Fleury-Frenette
  6. Lionel Clermont
  7. Sébastien Clesse


  1. Marco Drewes (MD) (UCLouvain)
  2. Deanna Hooper (DH) (ULB)
  3. Laura Lopez-Honorez (LL) (ULB)
  4. Christophe Ringeval (CR) (UCLouvain)
  5. Michel Tytgat (MT) (ULB)
  6. Thomas Hertog (KU Leuven)

PN: this is somehow a strategic proposal, to have support from CSL. 

HKE: good to have belgium, also to get support from ESA. 

EC: issue of technicians vs scientists 

Ludo discussed with Christian. He considers CSL team instrumental scientists. Not technicians. 

EC: in Cardiff we have technicians that do the work, but are not in LiteBIRD, and we are not a company.

PN: we need to consult JSG conveners. Who:

EC: these are strategic candidatures. 

EK: not sure the ForeGround JSG is appropriate for Classe. Very similar to what Daniela and Fabio Finelli do. 

PN: we send Classe to the LiteBIRD Project Scientist (Eiichiro)

The others to MHFT.

French proposals

CEA; Pettorino, Farrens, Starck, Doumayrou, Pinsard

LM: we don’t have a “theory” group in LiteBIRD. Valeria can be very useful in outreach activities too. 

She should find a clear way to contribute. Ludo hasn’t yet interacted with her. 

It’s holiday time in French, for the next 2 weeks. We can wait for the three scientists. 

From Italy

to calibration JSG, in particular RF calibration activities (Sophie, Tomo, Kam) + MHFT WG (Paolo, Giampaolo, Bruno)

  • Francesco Cuttaia
  • Luca Terenzi 

to MHFT 

  • Alessandro Coppolecchia
  • Luca Galli 

to Foregrounds JSG and DMG/Simulation 

  • Caterina Chiocchietta

Gov Subcommittee

Doodle out for next meeting

Gruber conference

LM had a chat with Jan Tauber. Jan is asking for inputs. They have funds, and are willing to organize an event, Not to repeat the calibration workshop of December 2020. Would like to have something focused on LiteBIRD. 

We should provide some ideas, and bring people’s names by next week. 

LM is talking again with Jan in the first half of march. 

Target for the workshop is the beginning of 2022. 

EC: can we focus on detectors? Depends on decadal outcome. 

LM: Jan would like to advertise before the decadal outcome. We can propose a few topics, including detectors. 

Connection with Planck is important. 

We should collect ideas from the european community, and make some proposals. 

Action on Ludo: Open a google-doc for collecting ideas.



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