SC telecon 14-09-2021

Minutes of the ESC Meeting 14 September 2021

Present: Paolo, Ludo, Thierry, Gao, Francesco, Erminia, Eiichiro, Hans Kristian, Peter, Matthieu, Enrique

Apologies: Thierry

– Choose a notetaker for the day

– Approval of minutes of last telecon


– Updates: 

            – Detector studies, if news

            Pete: not really news. Preparing the final documents for ESA, meeting in October 6th        is confirmed. CNES is invited, ASI is expected to participate, other people form UK      too.

            Francesco: not relevant information to share.

            – Final version of PO document for site

            Thierry was not present to report.

            – Others?

            Enrique: the project that was submitted last May to the Spanish CDTI call, funded            with FEDER funds, has been now approved. The project, led by Ricardo Genova-        Santos from IAC with a total budget of 377 k€, is expected to start in October 2021          and will finish in March 2023. We would like to have a kick-off meeting to review    our plans and the main objectives. A summary of the main characteristics of the             project can be presented in the bi-weekly meetings related to the MHFT.

            Action: There are two positions in the PO to be covered by the Spanish consortium.          Enrique will contact Thierry and Ludo to provide the names for the two positions.

– New LB members

Positive responds from the JSG Payload and calibration conveners for the proposal by Alexey Shitvov from UCL. The application is approved by the SC.

– SGS task force

Masashi is working on a document to try to define the new SGS task force. However, he is busy with other matters and maybe he would like to have more discussions with other people.

– Planning of meetings (including S2S, PO, …)

            Last S2S was in February. There have been issues with the hours selected for the next meeting. The organization is being slow due to the need of approval by the IGB and also to not having senior people in the organization.

Next PO meeting not decided yet, could be at the end of October.