- New convener of the JSG-HFT;
- Organization of the Calibration (Sophie);
SC Telecon, April the 2nd, 2019
Participants: Calabrese, de Bernardis, Gudmundsson, Henrot-Versille, Komatsu, Montier, Mot, Pisano, Vittorio
Apologies: Gao, Martinez-Gonzalez, Stompor, Wehus
- New convener of the JSG-HFT:
- Masashi proposal: Baptist; Involving Bruno, Paolo, Giampaolo;
- Ludo: organization of the work; Baptiste organize the telecon, the entire work etc.; redifine the information flow, putting these on the wiki; Baptiste coadiuvate Yutaro to organize all the work flow (?);
- Paolo: is an adding role or is a substituting role?
- Ludo: this role have only an organization work (?);
- Giampaolo: the definition of convener is not this -> Erminia: the convener lead and organize the discussion (?); this is a leading role, not only a burocratic role;
- In the LiteBIRD definition the coordinator is a convener (?)
- Ask to Masashi the scope??
- Nicola: we need a European Group (Bruno, Paolo, Giampaolo)
- Ask to Masashi to specify exactly the role of the JSG Conveners
- Organization of the Calibration: Ludo suggested to discuss the document of Sophie, Marco and Giorgio;
- Sophie: Proposal making with Tomo (Sophie’s slide);
- AOB: next European F2F -> LiteBIRD KO meeting end of June/beginning of July; there is not official information (probably in Toulouse)
Ludo prepare a draft for the next F2F meeting; share as soon as possible the information of the next KO meeting; contact Masashi for the role of the convener -> Sophie propose a list of names